Paperchase Haul

Hi Cherubs!

My beauty haul post from SkinStore went down really well with you guys (check it out here) so I thought I would do another haul post, this time from Paperchase! Since I don't have a store here in the US I had a lot of fun online shopping and picking up things I need and things that were too cute to not add to my basket... lets check out what I bought.

2017 diary, paper chase haul, christmas gift wrap

christmas gift tags, 2017 diary

pastel stationary from paperchase

pastel christmas gift wrap and tags

pastel quirky 2017 diary

Stationary from paperchase, pastel colours

I unintentionally picked all the pastel coloured things from Paperchase, but aren't they pretty? Also I have no idea what i'm going to use sticky notes for but I just couldn't leave them.. Am I the worst shopper? Something that I did need though is a new diary, Paperchase have such a big collection of diary's so you are bound to find one you love. I adore the rain drop print of this one, and its a good size... hopefully I can fill it with exciting events for next year!

I am also starting to think about Christmas, and my favourite thing about this holiday is wrapping presents! These pastel gift tags will add a lovely finishing touch to my wrapping, now all I need is some paper and gifts to wrap! (I best get a move on)

Love Sarah

1 comment

  1. You got some lovely things! Glad we don't have a paperchase in the US, I'd spend a fortune!

    Corinne x


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